Friday, March 18, 2011

Click to Win- Enter Now

Turf King Hamilton's Click to Win Lawn Care Contest is heating up.

CLICK TO WIN...with Turf King!!

Win $300 worth of professional lawn care services
or 1000 FREE AIR MILES reward miles.

While you're at it Request a Quote so you will be all prepared.
Don't Settle for a Hamburger and Fries Lawn program when what you really want and what your lawn will prefer is a Steak and Potatoes Dinner.
Often people will say to me "Why does your lawn program cost more than XYZ company? They are giving me meat, potatoes, fresh vegetables and a drink for $xx."
I try to explain that it like comparing the hamburger and fries from the fast food lawn company to our much more robust lawn meal. No one would ask Kelseys why their meat, potatoes, fresh vegetables and a drink cost more than the meat, potatoes, fresh vegetables and a drink  from the golden arches.
Unfortunately, it takes some time for people to learn that 3 fertilizers and a couple of weed treatments do not necessarily make for a good lawn meal.
What kind of nutrients are being applied? Is it "fast food" nutrition or is it a long-lasting, high quality fertilizer that is custom blended to the soil conditions in this area.
Is your meal being served by teenagers who work part-time or is your lawn being cared for by lawn technicians who have a career in this business?
If you're looking for more than a fast food lawn program, give us a call. 
1-888-887-3546 888-TURFKING

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