Thursday, October 15, 2009

Fall Lawns Look Great

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Fall is a great time for lawns. The flower gardens have grown to their fullest extent and add a bright and cheery spot of colour. The lawns themselves are enjoying the cooler night time temperatures. The soil is cooler so grass roots are able to grow and take up nutrients and moisture easily.

And if your lawn is not looking as good as you like, fall is a excellent season to start the process to a better lawn next year. A lawn program with a top quality lawn fertilizer is an important key to improving your lawn. A fertilizer that is slow release will feed the lawn slowly- a little at a time. Less expensive (cheap) fertilizers are like expecting your lawn to live off a Thanksgiving feast for the next two months. Better fertilizers don't feed the lawn with a lot of nutrients all at once. They dole the nutrients out a little at a time, just as it is needed. This also helps the environment. If the turf is unable to use the nutrients, they will either get washed away or will leach down below the reach of the grass roots. By using slow release fertilizer, nutrients are not wasted.

Turf King currently uses a 75% slow release fertilizer. The components in our fertilizer will feed the lawn for up to 16 weeks or longer. The organic components take even longer for all of their nutrients to release. Organic fertilizers continue to feed plants over a much longer period of time.
Lawns that receive high quality fertilizers, will keep their green colour and remain healthier and thicker than lawns that receive lower quality fertilizers.

Turf King is the King of Green! Call today for a Free Lawn Analysis. 905.318.6677

If you have a lawn/tree/shrub that needs some Tender Loving Care- get The KING OF GREEN, the King of Lawn Care:
or call us at 905.318.6677 or 1.888.TURFKING (887.3546)
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